Adding visual flair to your commercial property with flower beds is not just about aesthetics—it’s a strategic move. A well-landscaped area can attract customers, create a welcoming atmosphere, and even boost employee morale.

However, success in this endeavor hinges on a careful blend of design, maintenance, and the right plant selection. In this blog, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about creating and maintaining vibrant flower beds for your business premises. 

From choosing the right plants to understanding design principles and seasonal care, this guide will ensure your floral oasis flourishes year-round.

Understanding the Landscape of Flower Beds

The first step when creating a commercial landscape is understanding your space. Assess the layout of your commercial property to identify areas that are conducive to flower beds.

Assessing Sunlight and Soil Conditions

The key considerations for planting include the amount of sunlight an area receives and the quality of the soil. Certain plants thrive in full sun, others prefer shade. Soil pH and texture also play a role; some flowers require well-draining soil and others are more tolerant of heavy clay.

Analyzing Space for Design

The specific layout of your property and individual flower bed spaces will determine your design possibilities. You may have limited, shady corners perfect for ferns and impatiens, or large open areas that can hold a variety of sun-loving perennials and shrubs.

Selecting the Right Plants for Your Flower Beds

Your plant selection is critical to the success of your flower beds. Your ideal choices must depend on your region’s climate, the specific microclimate of your site, and the desired aesthetic.

Native and Adaptive Plants

Opting for native plants is a great idea for any landscape as native plants are best adapted to the local environment and often require less maintenance. Adaptive plants are those that aren’t native but still thrive in a particular region. Both options provide a great starting point for a low-maintenance flower bed.

Considering Colors and Seasons

Colors can evoke certain moods or complement your brand palette. Consider a mix of annuals and perennials to ensure year-round visual interest. Seasonal blooms can coincide with important business events or incorporate festive design elements.

Tolerant and Pest-Resistant Varieties

In a commercial setting, it’s wise to choose plants that are resilient and less susceptible to pests. Look for varieties with good disease resistance to maintain a healthy, professional appearance.

Flower Bed Design Principles

An eye-catching flower bed doesn’t happen by chance; it’s the result of careful planning and adherence to design principles that enhance the overall look of your property.

Balancing Color and Shape

A balanced composition can be achieved by using contrasting or complementary colors and a mix of plant shapes. Balance the visual weight of your flower bed by placing large, dark plants against lighter, softer ones.

Creating Focal Points

Focal points draw the eye and make a statement. This can be a single, large flowering plant, a sculpture, or an architectural element. Focal points help to ground your design and give it a sense of purpose.

Layering Plants for Depth

Use different plant heights to create a layered effect. Taller plants at the back create a backdrop, with medium-sized plants in the middle, and the shortest varieties at the front. This tiered approach gives depth to your flower bed.

Preparation and Planting of Your Flower Beds

A good start ensures that your flowers grow in a healthy and thriving environment. It’s essential to prepare the soil and plant properly to set the stage for success.

Soil Preparation

Before planting, ensure your soil is of good quality. This may involve adding compost to improve drainage, or peat moss to lighten heavy clay. If the soil is particularly poor, raised beds can be a good solution.

Planting Techniques

When planting, dig holes twice as wide but just as deep as the plant’s pot. This gives the roots plenty of room to grow. Be sure to use a quality planting mix or supplement the soil with nutrients as needed.

Mulching Your Flower Beds

Mulch is essential for retaining moisture and keeping weeds at bay. It also helps regulate soil temperature. Organic mulches, such as wood chips and straw, will decompose over time, providing additional nutrients to your flowers.

Maintenance Throughout the Seasons

To keep your flower beds looking their best, diligent maintenance throughout the year is crucial. Here’s how to keep them in peak condition.

Regular Watering

The frequency of watering will depend on the weather and the plants you’ve chosen. In hotter months, flower beds may need daily watering, while established plants may only require occasional supplemental water.

Pruning and Deadheading

To encourage fuller growth and more blooms, prune your plants regularly. Deadheading, or removing spent flowers, prevents plants from going to seed and redirects energy to flower production.

Fertilizing Your Flower Beds

Fertilizing provides essential nutrients that may be lacking in the soil. A balanced, slow-release fertilizer is best, working overtime to feed your flowers without the risk of scorching or overfeeding.

Pest Control and Weed Management

Keep an eye out for pests and diseases. Early detection and action can prevent widespread issues. Regular weeding will also keep your flower beds looking neat and your plants free from competition. Applying pre-emergent weed control in spring can help manage weeds throughout the year.

Seasonal Flower Bed Care

Each season brings its own set of tasks and considerations for flower bed care.


Spring is a time of renewal. Evaluate your flower beds, make any necessary repairs or adjustments to the layout, and give plants a good start with proper feeding, pruning, and weeding. This is also a good time to divide perennials as needed.


In the heat of summer, pay extra attention to watering. Mulching helps retain moisture and can reduce the frequency of watering. Maintain your flower beds by weeding, deadheading, and monitoring for pests.


Prepare your flower beds for the winter by cutting back perennials and cleaning up any dead or diseased plant material. Fall can also be a great time to plant spring bulbs for an additional burst of color.


Keep your flower beds tidy by removing any debris. Winter also serves as a planning season—consider changes to your flower bed designs, think about new plants, and plan for the coming year.

By attending to your flower beds with care and foresight, your commercial property can bloom into a vibrant showcase that reflects positively on your business. 

From the selection of plants to the design and ongoing care, each step plays a crucial role in the success of your landscape. With this guide, you’re well-equipped to nurture your commercial flower beds into the awe-inspiring focal point they’re meant to be.

Elevate Your Commercial Property With Us

Let experts at Marshall’s Tree Services and Landscaping take care of your trees and flowerbeds to convert your commercial property into a beautiful work of art. 

We provide pruning, installation, landscaping, pest control, and tree removal services in the Plantation, East Fort Lauderdale, and Davie regions. 

To schedule a free review or learn more about our tree trimming and landscaping services in Broward County, call us at (754) 235-1926 or (786) 738-4886. You can also reach us at or fill out our contact form to hear back from us.