The Atlantic hurricane season officially runs from June 1 through November 30, although you can see hurricanes even beyond this time window. High magnitude storms can cause a lot of damage to life and property. Trees are particularly vulnerable against these forceful winds as they are directly exposed to the elements. 

However, with the proper preventive measures, you can protect your trees against minor storms. Here’s how you can make your trees more hurricane-resistant.

Plant wind-resistant trees

If you live in a hurricane-prone area, the best way to protect your trees and property is to plant naturally wind-resistant trees. Some common varieties are Sand Live Oaks, Southern Magnolia, Crape Myrtle, Bald Cypress, Sabal Palm, Gingkos, and Sweetgum.

It would help if you planted these trees in groups of 5 or more, as collectively, they are more resistant to the wind. It would help if you chose trees with a central dominant trunk, straight roots, and evenly spaced branches.

Inspect your trees

Healthy trees have greater chances of surviving the storm. Therefore, you must examine them frequently and categorize them as either healthy or hazardous. During the inspection, look for these signs to help you identify vulnerable trees. 

  • Dead and decaying branches
  • Damaged trunk
  • Fungal infection
  • Dense canopies 
  • Young saplings and underdeveloped trees

If you notice these signs in your trees, perform corrective measures like trimming, pruning, and reinforcing before the hurricane season starts.

Signs of a healthy tree

  • Straight and robust tree trunk
  • New growth
  • Full, healthy branches
  • Free of fungi, dead branches, holes, or cracks
  • Healthy leaves

You must fertilize, mulch, and water your trees at regular intervals to keep them healthy.

Prune your trees

The next step is to remove any dead or broken branches to minimize the risk of potential damage during a hurricane. Remove branches that are close to your property, even if they are not damaged. If you are not confident about pruning the tree by yourself, call in experts like Marshall’s Tree Service and Landscaping to do the job for you.

A professional tree service will reinforce younger trees with cables, braces, and supportive stakes. 

What to do after the hurricane strikes

  • After the storm, survey your trees for signs of damage like broken branches and bent or uprooted trunks.
  • Avoid touching any broken branches that are in contact with power lines. Call a  professional immediately.
  • Partially broken tree parts can cause further damage to life and property in the future. 

About Marshall Tree Service and Landscaping

Let experts at Marshall’s Tree Services prepare your trees for the next hurricane season.  We offer tree removal, pruning, installation, and pest control services throughout the South Florida region. We also provide emergency tree removal services and are available 24×7. To schedule a free review or learn more about our tree trimming and landscaping services, you can call us at (754) 235-1926 or (786) 738-4886. You can also reach us via email at or by filling out our contact form. Our professionals will be glad to assess your needs and deliver the right solutions to match your needs.