Landscape trees play a vital role in enhancing the landscape of your home. They add beauty and life to your residential and commercial properties. However, they also pose a threat to your property and life during hurricane season. Healthy trees always have a greater chance of surviving the hurricane seasons, although they are not entirely out of danger. Preparing your landscape trees before the hurricane season can increase their chances of survival even more.

Here are a few tips to help prevent hurricane damage to your landscape trees:

Thin the branches

One of the significant reasons trees are damaged during storms is their high resistance against gusty winds. And this happens when the canopies are too thick for the winds to pass through them quickly. Thin your landscape trees before hurricane season by removing dead and decaying branches to make space can give your landscape trees a better chance of withstanding the storm.

Don’t remove the top

Often, trees are topped to reduce the tree’s height that may interfere with the view or the power lines. However, when done frequently, this practice leads to the decay of the tree trunk. The branches attached to the decayed trunk portion also rot quickly, and these branches rip off easily during storms. Therefore, don’t cut off the top unless necessary and even call for professional help. A professional arborist will reduce the height of the tree without damaging the trunk.

Cut branches with tight crotch angles

If you notice branches attached to the tree at a 45-degree angle or less, cut those branches away. These branches are more likely to break away during storms than branches attached at a 90-degree angle. Remove these branches at a young age rather than letting them mature before cutting them off.

Protect the roots

Roots need to be protected as much as the trunks and the branches for your landscape trees to survive the storm season. If the roots are damaged, there are significant chances that your tree would topple over entirely during the storm. Your tree roots can be damaged due to various reasons, including improper mulching, compaction, or an underlying disease. Check for signs of damage on your roots. Call for professional help if you are not sure how to inspect the roots for damage. Treat the damage immediately to prevent further issues.

Cabling and bracing

Some of the branches may be weak but don’t necessarily require complete removal. Some additional support can help them survive the storms. One way to provide additional support is by typing cables to the branches and attaching them to other branches. Call professionals to cable and brace your landscape trees properly.

About Marshall Tree Service and Landscaping

If you are looking for tree care services in the South Florida region to protect your trees during hurricane season, Marshall’s Tree Services should be your one-stop destination. Our services include tree removal, pruning, installation, landscaping, and pest control services. You can call (754) 235-1926 or (786) 738-4886 to schedule a free review or learn more about our tree service and landscaping. You can also reach us via email at or by filling out our contact form.